
Color your calendar with emoji

Privacy policy

EmojiCal needs permissions for different features of your device to support the app features to assist you with best app experience. All the permissions needed in the app are listed below with detailed description about the purpose of the permission needed.

Policy summary

  Read/Write Calendar

This permission is needed by the app to get the access to calendar, events in the calendar and needed to let users create events ain their calendar from with-in the app.

  Internet Access

This permission is needed for the other app features where user can search for location, share app with friends.

Wifi/Network Connectivity

This permission is needed to check for wifi/cellular network connectivity.

  Read/Write Contacts

This permission is required by the app to let user search for users and contact details to add in event while they are creating calendar events.

If you have any queries about this privacy policy, please contact us at apps@snc-it.com

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